WALK - Real Life Training Documentary-HD from Walk on Vimeo.
WALK’s Real Life Training programme supports school leavers with intellectual disabilities to build their capacities and to develop their skills and passions so that they will be equipped to live self-determined lives in the community of their choice.
The Real Life Training programme runs for 4 years and is an innovative departure from the way traditional training programmes have, up until now, been offered to this too often marginalised demographic. The Real Life Training programme aims to ensure that participants explore possibilities and meet objectives in relation to paid employment in the mainstream labour market, access training/education in mainstream settings as well as developing the personal-self.
The aim of the Real Life Training Programme is to focus support on key transition points for individuals by delivering targeted interventions. The programme will engage existing service structures, natural circles of support, increasing joint working and build sustainable relationships to allow progression towards economic activity and/or further education. It will also utilise local community networks (employers, peers, families) to broaden community participation and develop a sense of civic responsibility. Throughout the 4 year course and beyond, all supports put in place will support individuals to access mainstream services, this is in keeping with New Directions’ vision of ambitious change for services for adults with intellectual disabilities “that will depend on and benefit from an acceleration of the policy of mainstreaming that is a core part of the National Disability Strategy”.
To read some stories from participants of the Real Life Training Programme click here