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We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

 At WALK, we are committed to protecting personal information and we take our responsibilities regarding the security of the information of our stakeholders very seriously.

 You can read our Privacy Statement here.

WALK is governed by the following Board of Directors who meet six times annually.  

  Board of Directors Login 

John Bourke (Chair), Solicitor

Betty Brophy,  Family Representative

Pat McCarthy, Retired Human Resources Professional

Bernie Dunne , Board member 

Peter Byrne, CEO of Disability Service Provider

Gavin Murphy, Local Business Owner

Gerry Donoghue, Board member

Teresa Whelan, Board member

Annita Lernihan ,  Board member

Risk, Quality and Governance Sub Committee:

Peter Byrne, CEO of Disability Service Provider

Gerry Donohoe, Board Member

Betty Brophy, Board member

Catherine Kelly, WALK Deputy CEO

Sian Thompson, WALK Continuous Improvement, Accountability and Information Coordinator

Finance Sub Committee:

Pat McCarthy, Retired Human Resources Professional

Joe Mason, WALK Chief Executive Officer

Bríd Nolan, WALK  Director of Services (Finance and Administration)

Bernie Dunne

Remuneration Sub Committee:

John Bourke (Chair), Solicitor

Joe Mason, WALK Chief Executive Officer

Code of Conduct

Agreed by WALK board members

As a Director of WALK, I have a legal responsibility to act in the best interests of the organisation.

Abiding by this Code of Conduct and the Governance Code for   

Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations describes how I will do that

. If any of these commitments cause me to come in conflict with my legal obligations then these latter will take precedence.

Code of Conduct for Board members

Organisational Values

  • As a board member of WALK I promise to abide by the fundamental values that underpin all the activities of our organisation.


  •  Everything WALK does will be able to stand the test of scrutiny by members of the public, the media, members, beneficiaries, stakeholders and the regulatory authorities.

Integrity and Honesty

  • These will be the hallmarks of all conduct within WALK, particularly when dealing with colleagues (board and staff) and external individuals and agencies.


  • WALK will strive to promote an atmosphere of openness throughout the organisation in order to promote confidence to members of the public, staff, beneficiaries and regulators and also to promote strategic and operational effectiveness.

Governance Code

  • I will support WALK’s adoption of, and compliance with, the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations and its associated implementation actions.

In addition to the above I agree to the following:

Law, mission, policies

• In my role as board member I will not break the law or act against any regulation in force.

• I will support the organisation’s mission and actively promote it.

• I will abide by organisational policy and procedure.

• I will seek to maintain and promote integrity, good governance, effectiveness and efficiency for the delivery of the organisation’s mission.

Conflicts of Interest

• I will always act in the best interests of the organisation.

• I will do my work in accordance with WALS’s ‘Conflict of Interest and Loyalty’ policy and declare any conflict of interest or any such circumstance as may be viewed by others as conflicting as soon as it arises.

• I will submit to the judgment of the board and do as it requires regarding potential conflicts of interest.

Person to Person

  • I will act in regard of organisational policies in my relationships with fellow board members, staff, volunteers, beneficiaries or anyone I come into contact with in my role as board member.

Guardian of the organisation’s reputation

• I will not speak as a board member to the media or any public forum without the prior knowledge and approval of the Chair or CEO.

• When I am asked to represent the organisation, any comments I make will reflect current policy even if I do not agree with them.

• When speaking as a private citizen I will aim to uphold the reputation of the organisation and those who work and volunteer for it.

• I will respect organisational, board and individual confidentiality.

• I will take an active interest in the organisation’s public image.

Personal Gain

• I will not personally gain from my role as a board member nor will I permit others to do so as a result of my actions or negligence.

• I will document expenses and seek reimbursement according to agreed procedure.

• I will not accept gifts or hospitality without the consent of the Chair.

• I will use organisational resources responsibly, when authorised in accordance with procedure.

At board level

• I will embody the principles of good governance in all my actions and live up to the trust placed in me by WALK.

• I will abide by the board governance procedures and practice.

• I will commit to attend all board meetings, and in the event of unavoidable inability to attend, will observe the Board Attendance Policy.

• I will strive be familiar with all agenda items sent to me in good time and be prepared to contribute my opinions during meetings.

• I will honour the authority of the Chair.

• I will maintain a respectful attitude to the opinions of others.

• I understand that decisions will ideally be made by consensus, but may be by vote. I will consider any majority vote as a corporate decision, and will accept and support it.

• I will maintain confidentiality unless authorised to speak on matters outside board meetings.

Enhancing governance

• I commit to supporting WALK’s compliance with the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations.

• I will participate in appropriate induction, training and development board activities.

• I will support the CEO in his/her executive role and the Chair in his/her leadership role.

Leaving the board

• I understand that any substantial breach of this code may result in my removal from the board .

• Should I wish to resign I will inform the Chair in writing, stating my reasons for resigning from the board.

• I will participate in an exit interview if requested.

Signed: _______________________________ Date: ______________________

Member of the Board of Directors of WALK

Our Address

our address

WALK Head Office, 1 Longmile Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12

show on map
Contact Us

contact us

Phone: +353 (0)1 465 03 88
Fax: +353 (0)1 460 78 99

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1 Longmile Road, Dublin
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WALK is a registered Charity. Charity number is CHY 10777. Companies Registration Number 322400. Registered Charity Number (CRA Number) 20028008
WALK is the trading name for Walkinstown Association for People with an Intellectual Disability Limited. All rights reserved. © WALK 2015
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